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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Holiday Season: Look for the Little Things

Ready or not, we are moving full speed ahead into the holiday season! For many, this means time spent with family. As you enjoy (hopefully) visiting with parents or other elderly relatives, I encourage you to pay attention to any changes that may have occurred since you last saw them. This may take a bit more reconnaissance than just asking how they’re holding up.  They may not want to “burden” others and may not be very willing to share a problem – they may even be embarrassed by their changing needs.

Some things to notice:

  • Take a look in the fridge — is it stocked as usual?
  • Does the medicine cabinet look organized, with all current prescriptions filled?
  • Are there unpaid bills lying around?

Pay attention to the little things and if you notice changes, it may be time for a conversation with your loved one about their needs. For example, if your mother has always kept a very tidy house but it’s a mess this Thanksgiving, then perhaps she needs a little extra assistance — but is too afraid to ask. Even if the discussion is uncomfortable, your loved one may be grateful to you for noticing and taking the time to offer your help.

From all of us at CMSS, we wish you a very happy, healthy, beginning of the holiday season!

Karoline Hutson (

Chicago Senior Living
Assisted Living in Chicago

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