Four Podcasts For Starters

happy senior man listen music in headphones

Podcasts are becoming an increasingly popular way to consume news, stories, and other content. People enjoy the personalized touches of listening to their hosts talk, with the added bonus that […]

LGBTQ Older Adults on the Silver Screen

two older women standing outside

According to recent estimates, at least 1.5 million adults 65 and older are members of the LGBTQ community. But, even as great strides have been made for LGBTQ rights and […]

The Challenges of Aging as an LGBTQ Individual

a contemplative senior Black man

LGBTQ older adults today have lived through enormous amounts of change, from a time when their preferences were considered psychological disorders to a time when their right to marry is […]

Financial Planning for Retirement

a couple sitting on their couch with their dog

Retirement is an exciting time. After years of shaping your day-to-day life around a job, retirement can provide the welcome opportunity to explore other passions and contribute to society in […]

National Healthcare Decisions Day: Why Making End-of-Life Decisions Now Will Help You Later

close up potrait of Asian senior couple on bright green background

April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day, a day dedicated to advanced planning for difficult healthcare situations. End-of-life conversations are difficult to have, but it is better to have them now, while you are able to think them through and consider your options, than to put your family in a position where they do not know your wishes in an emergency.

How Pets Improve the Lives of Seniors

Chicagoland Methodist Senior Services is proud to partner with several local shelters to provide older adults with doses of animal happiness. The volunteer service, Chicago Cares, and cat shelter, Tree House Humane Society, help with this mission by bringing cats and dogs into our communities. They are a huge hit with residents.

Celebrating Volunteers Who Give Back to Older Adults

volunteers help plant flowers just outside a Chicago Methodist Senior Services operated building

At Chicagoland Methodist Senior Services (CMSS), we’re always looking for new ways to bring joy to our residents and celebrate our volunteers, and recently, we’ve had two notable occasions to do both at Wesley Place.

Three Scientifically Proven Ways Music Improves The Lives of Older Adults

A senior man with a worker's hands playing the piano. close up

There is no denying the power of music. Across cultural and societal lines, music has been proven to bring people together. A recent study from the Tokyo University of Arts went so far as to claim this was why music was first developed: to create communities and societies. As we age, music plays an important role in our quality of life.

Simple Practices for Strengthening Your Spiritual Health As You Age

Older age is a time of change, and that makes it a time of great opportunity. Many retirees take the advantage of a newly-open schedule to take up a charitable cause, explore a new hobby or travel. Why not also consider older age an opportunity to get in improve your spiritual health?

3 Ways Aging Leads to a Better Life

An elderly woman in round glasses laughing

Mary Ann Spina, a Pastoral Associate at Holy Cross Church in Deerfield, Il, recently hosted an event at Chicagoland Methodist Senior Services focused on turning around the perception that because our bodies age, seniors can’t enjoy life as much – or even more than – they ever have before.

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